
new Kom()

Server communication abstraction

This class is the main object to deal with when requesting something from the server.
It handle all urls calls (GET, POST), treat responses or handle errors using Promise.
Because it uses Promise, success and errors are to be handled in the caller function, using .then() and .catch(). To properly deal with POST request, the session must contain a csrf token in cookies. Otherwise, those POST call may fail.
  • June 2020
  • Arthur Beaulieu


private _csrfToken :string

User session CSRF token to use in POST request

private _headers :Array.<array>

Array of HTTP headers to be used in HTTP calls


async, private, static _checkValidity()

Check the Kom instance validity to ensure its properties validity.

private, static _createRequestHeaders() → {Array.<array>}

Fills Kom _headers private member array, to use in HTTP requests later on. This method is required to be called on construction.
Array.<array> -
  • The headers array, length 3, to be used in HTTP requests

private, static _getCsrfCookie() → {string}

Extract CSRF token value from client cookies and returns it as a string. Returns an empty string by default. This method is required to be called on construction.
string -
  • The CSRF token string

private, static _getErrorCodeFromHTTPStatus(code) → {string}

This method is called whenever a server request didn't went well. In case a request (from any type) fails, its HTTP status code have to be handle in the method, so it returns an error code can be handled in the user interface (with notification, console or else).
Name Type Description
code number

The HTTP status code to handle, in supported ones from HttpStatusCode enumeration

string -

The HTTP status as an error code

async, private, static _resolveAs(type, response) → {Promise}

Generic tool method used by private methods on fetch responses to format output in the provided format. It must be either `json`, `text` or `raw`.
Name Type Description
type String

The type of resolution, can be json, text or raw

response Object

The fetch response object

Promise -

The request Promise, format response as an object on resolve, as error code string on reject

async, private, static _resolveAsJSON(response) → {Promise}

Tool method used by public methods on fetch responses to format output data as JSON to be read in JavaScript code as objects.
Name Type Description
response Object

The fetch response object

Promise -

The request Promise, format response as an object on resolve, as error code string on reject

async, private, static _resolveAsRaw(response) → {Promise}

Tool method used by XmlHTTPRequests to format server response as raw binary data.
Name Type Description
response Object

The XmlHTTPRequest response status object

Promise -

The request Promise, doesn't format response on resolve, send error code string on reject

async, private, static _resolveAsText(response) → {Promise}

Tool method used by public methods on fetch responses to format output data as text to be read in JavaScript code as string (mostly to parse HTML templates).
Name Type Description
response Object

The fetch response object

Promise -

The request Promise, format response as a string on resolve, as error code string on reject

async, static get(url) → {Promise}

GET HTTP request using the fetch API.
resolve returns the response as an Object.
reject returns an error key as a String. It is meant to perform API call to access database through the user interface.
Name Type Description
url String

The GET url to fetch data from, in supported back URLs

Promise -

The request Promise

async, static getRaw(url) → {Promise}

GET HTTP request using an XMLHttpRequest, with an override mime type hack to pass bytes through unprocessed.
resolve returns the response as raw binary data.
reject returns an error code as a String.
Name Type Description
url String

The url to fetch raw data from

Promise -

The request Promise

async, static getText(url) → {Promise}

GET HTTP request using the fetch API.
resolve returns the response as a String.
reject returns an error key as a String. It is meant to perform API call to get HTML templates as string to be parsed as documents/documents fragments.
Name Type Description
url String

The GET url to fetch data from, in supported back URLs

Promise -

The request Promise

async, static post(url, data) → {Promise}

POST HTTP request using the fetch API.
Beware that the given options object match the url expectations.
resolve returns the response as an Object.
reject returns an error key as a String.
Name Type Description
url String

The POST url to fetch data from

data Object

The JSON object that contains POST parameters

Promise -

The request Promise

async, static postRaw(url, data) → {Promise}

POST HTTP request using the fetch API.
Beware that the given options object match the url expectations.
resolve, with an override mime type hack to pass bytes through unprocessed.
resolve returns the response as raw binary data.
reject returns an error code as a String.
Name Type Description
url String

The url to fetch raw data from

data Object

The JSON object that contains POST parameters

Promise -

The request Promise

async, static postText(url, data) → {Promise}

POST HTTP request using the fetch API.
Beware that the given options object match the url expectations.
resolve returns the response as a String.
reject returns an error key as a String.
Name Type Description
url String

The POST url to fetch data from

data Object

The JSON object that contains POST parameters

Promise -

The request Promise